Many Faces of Airina


Crochet, Warcraft, Writing and more!


So my car broke down 2 days after my insurance expired. I think it was a sign. There is no way I’m fixing the car and paying insurance because I just don’t have the money. Of course that means I’ll be biking again. Joy.

S and I went out to find bikes yesterday. I had a budget of $20 but S said that was stupid and had her budget of $75. The first place we went was Salvation Army and S kept saying how the bikes here were always so expensive. I found the only adult bike in the store and it didn’t have a price. S started inspecting it and decided she liked it. She knows bikes better than me. I asked what se was willing to spend and she said $75, so I went to the desk to negotiate. The guy who worked there was nice (I think he could tell we were broke, I mean I actually dressed up to go to Salvation Army, not the other way around). He offered the bike for $15. Of course, S was already loving it so she got it. Now she has transportation and I don’t. The only other adult bike that I found that I can ride (I’m only 5 feet tall, so I have to be picky. I physically can’t ride a lot of bikes.) was $80 and, although it wasn’t a bad deal, it was more than I was going to spend. It looks like S and I are going to be sharing the bike for a week or so.

Lefane is level 50 (Yay!) but I’m having trouble getting up a few levels. I don’t have any new dungeons yet and the quests I’m finding aren’t numerous. It wouldn’t be so bad if there wasn’t a 20 minute wait time for dungeons. I’ll get through, though.

I’ve been writing fiction, even though my non-fiction has taken a back seat. I put one story on Literotica (It’s an adult story) and got almost 20,000 hits already. That’s more than I have ever gotten on AC, lol. Of course that type of writing is mostly for entertainment purposes. 😉

Filed under: life, warcraft, , ,


I haven’t had anything to write lately because everyone is just laying around the house. We knew Christmas would suck this year, but no one is leaving the house, which is making us fight more and want to leave the house even less.

Lefane hit 38 today, after I took about a week off from playing as her. M wants me to play on his server, but I’m not really good as a hunter as far as raids go and I really don’t feel like grinding just so we can pvp sometimes. I also started a warrior (that was the first character on that server) but I don’t know how to tank. Frankly, I just want to play my mage. He could pull out his thirty something hunter and pvp me if we queue for the same match, but he doesn’t want to.

Everyone is driving me crazy. I’ll be glad to work tomorrow morning. M keeps asking me to drive him to the store every 5 minutes, but he’s not being nice about it. The fact is, I hate rudeness. If you are polite, I will gladly help, but if you’re going to be a whiny jerk, go elsewhere. S was doing the same earlier. That is why I will definitely be working 40 hours this week. I don’t want to be in this house.

My trial of EVE Online is almost up. It’s a nice game. I’m still undecided, though. I like being able to walk around as my character. It feels like EVE is more of an intellectual game. It has nice space graphics, but I just prefer more of a first person view.

I am pre-ordering Star Trek Online and just have to hope it runs on my computer. It looks like WoW meets EVE meets Spore, so it should be fun. I’m not a Trekkie and tend to avoid Star Trek so I don’t become one (I know a lot of Trekkies), but the game really looks fun.

I finally finished an article for AC, Give a Complete Bed Bath. When in doubt, write about work. I have tons of half finished ones, but I can’t seem to sit still long enough to write them.

I finished the last of the Christmas presents. I’m such a slacker.

Basically, it’s just been a blah month. I blah couple of months. I can’t wait for this blah year to be over.

Filed under: life, warcraft, writing, , ,

Level 30

Dad’s coming again tonight. He managed to sell the boat so he has to come give the guy the title. At least that’s one less bill, since no one has time to go work on the boat.

Lefane hit 30 today! She’s pretty much becoming my new main, since I just don’t feel like playing as a druid lately. I’ve run Gnomeregan like 15 times now. Some of the groups are really fun, so I’m liking the new group finder, but some people don’t play well with others. Hunters keep demanding that their pets tank, and then the pet aggros everything. A few healers DCed in the middle of mobs. One tank was actually wearing cloth armor. As a warrior. o.O But enough of the groups are fun to keep it interesting.

I made some rice today in the crock pot. I just threw in some beans and corn and a little Sazon and called it dinner. 🙂 That’s about as close as I get to cooking, but at least it’s not Ramen.

I’ve really been feeling like crap lately. I keep thinking about D. I haven’t seen him in like 4 years and I’m still in love with him. It sucks because he won’t even talk to me. No, I’m not so pathetic that I think about him all the time. I usually don’t. But since Mom died, I have been. As weird as it sounds, I think it’s part of my grieving. I mean, I keep losing everyone I love. BTW my mom and my dog (who was more like a sister than a dog) both died this year. And my mom’s death most likely was no accident. She OD’d on insulin.

Anyway, D won’t talk to me because everything in my family started going crazy. My mom and sister both tried to kill themselves several times. My dad was gone. My brother was getting high to avoid everything. I was trying to take care of everyone. He couldn’t handle the stress eventually. Neither could I, come to think of it. That’s why I’m as fucked up now as I am.

I decided earlier this year not to date anymore. Since D and I broke up, I went out with a few people, but it was always the same. Each one was totally different than the others, but it was always bad. The “relationships” were just sex and the sex wasn’t even good. D never had stupid rules about what he wouldn’t do in the bedroom. And I am realizing that there are a lot of stupid people in the world. And that if I can’t have a good meaningful relationship, it really is easier and better to be alone. I mean, honestly I have more fun by myself.

Anyway, I’ve just been really depressed lately. Everything sucks and there really is no good solution to fix my family.

Filed under: life, warcraft, ,

Cleaning Today

I don’t have long to write today. My dad’s on his way to “visit” and bringing his friend so I have to finish cleaning the house. I did get some cleaning done already, but with my dad it has to be spit shined because I really don’t need him telling me how I am lazy and don’t do a good job.

He should try cleaning up after two adults who don’t do any housework. What can I do, take the computer away? It’s dad’s not mine.

Anyway, I went to Thrift City with S yesterday. She bought a strange nightgown (S is weird, I should be used to it by now). I got a few old clothes patterns that were nice, a pair of shoes that I was going to use for the Craftster Super Ugly to Super Awesome Round 2 Challenge, but I realistically can’t do this project by the deadline (in two days), and a hanging shoe organizer that now organizes my yarn.

I’ll still make the shoes. I have the design basically figured out in my head. I’ll just do it for an article or something. And this project reminds me that I still need to reupholster that stool I got last time I went on a thrift store shopping spree. I swear I’ve finished three projects this week. I really have been crafting, there’s just so much to do.

On WoW, Lefane is level 20 now and I did a round of Warsong at level 20 just so I could get my new staff, since I only needed one Badge of Honor. I probably can’t play again today, since dad is coming.

We’re going to a boat show tomorrow, so it will be a long (and rainy) day, but we’ll get to see some cool boat stuff probably.

Okay. Back to work! Work, work. Zug Zug. Dabu. (This is one of my favorite Oxhorn movies. v)

A little graphic I made a few years ago 🙂 I like it.

Filed under: life, warcraft, ,

Warsong Battles

Did Warsong a few more times tonight. I probably won’t be online tomorrow, since S will be home and seems to be already staking a claim on the computer.

I had 2 captures today. Kept getting stopped by the same people, though. Hunters were giving me problems. It also doesn’t help when my graphics cut out whenever there’s more than 4 people on the screen.

Anyway, halfway to level 20, and I haven’t quested since 16 ;). I might want to run some quests, like in the Crossroads, before the Cataclysm, but I’ve done them so many times. Besides, I’m having fun in PvP. Except against hunters.

Lefane is Almost at 20

There is nothing worse than having to fight over the computer. We’re in our 20’s but none of us have real social lives (WoW is social, right?) and with three computers broken, we all have to share this one. Grr…

I got a letter today from RC, where I volunteer sometimes. I haven’t been there in over a month. My life has been too crazy and, frankly, I’ve just been too depressed to get up and go. Anyway, they nominated me for a service award, which makes me feel even worse because I haven’t been there.

Sometimes I just can’t be around a bunch of people, especially when I have a ton of crappy things on my mind. I do still go to work, when I schedule myself and when they don’t cancel me. Says the person who is barely making rent due to being constantly cancelled. I had to beg for hours last week.

My dad’s coming up this weekend, so I have to clean the whole house again. I am the only person in this house who cleans and I am not the maid, so I kind of gave up (being depressed all the time doesn’t help). Every time this happens (my siblings never clean) I work for like 8 hours on the house, scrubbing and bleaching, and then they lie and say they did something (yes, M did take out one bag of trash while he was smoking – although I had to beg for him to do it) or just ignore it. Dad just points out the one counter I missed. It really stresses me out, which is why I don’t do it. I like having a clean house, but my roommates are total slobs.

I wash the dishes and literally 5 minutes later everyone is cooking and the sink fills back up. They never cook unless I wash the dishes and then they don’t even have the decency to wait a half hour or wash the dishes themselves.

I’m just really not looking forward to tomorrow. I’ll be scrubbing and S will be sitting here on the computer chatting or watching House. My family sucks sometimes.

Filed under: life, warcraft, ,

Oxhorn Christmas Movies

Oxhorn has a new clip. Rather than the usual machinima, it’s a spoof on Christmas compilation CDs, but It’s pretty good.

There’s an old Oxhorn Christmas movie called Oxhorn’s Christmas Tree. This one is a funny story.

Filed under: warcraft,